Rise of Champions Wiki
Key icon

A Key.

Cryptic chest panel

Keys can be used to unlock Cryptic or Demonic Chests.

Keys are used to unlock Mystery Boxes. Players can acquire them through natural game-play, such as participating in Battle or Brawls. Players can also redeem them through game rewards, or purchase them from the Shop or Tourney Shop.



Method Rate
Single Match Low
Battle Arena Low - High
Brawls Moderate
Expeditions Epic: Low

Legendary: Moderate

Daily Rewards Low - Moderate
Story Guaranteed / Moderate


Shop Exchange Rate Image
General Shop
5 Keys / 10 Diamonds
20 Keys / 35 Diamonds
50 Keys / 80 Diamonds
General shop keys

Shop: Resources (p. 7-8)

Tourney Shop
1 Key / 8 RP
5 Keys / 40 RP
20 Keys / 160 RP
50 Keys / 400 RP
Packages Various
2017 halloween pack

2017 Halloween Pack, which gave 4 Keys.


Reward Rate Image
TORCH Codes 4 Keys / Code
Torch code mystery key
Special Events Various
Recruitment Various
Recruitment help box

Recruitment help box. Keys every milestone, more keys as more milestones.


If you successfully 'plunder' a chest that contains a Key, you will gain two Keys!